Samardha Sadguru charanara vindabhyaan namah
Sri Gurubhyo Namah !!
Matru devobhava , pitru devobhava, Acharya Devobhava is what our Vedic texts say. Meaning that the after mother and father it’s the teacher who must be worshipped. A teacher must be respected and treated as an equivalent to God. In Sanatana Dharma teacher is called “GURU”. Well “Guru” has become a ubiquitous word these days. People use the word Guru in various contexts, but actually the word “Guru” has the following meaning. In Guru Gita it is said that
“Gukaraschandhakarastu rukaarastannirodhakrut |
Andhakaravinaasitwaat gururityabhideeyate ||”
“Gu” Kara means the darkness and “Ru” Kara means the remover of the darkness. On account of the power of removing darkness, the teacher is known by the significant name “Guru”.
Ignorance is darkness, it’s the state where we do not know anything and the person who brings us out of this darkness and shows us light is the Guru.
He word Guru means one who dispels darkness – a teacher.
The word Acharya means one who teaches the right conduct – again a teacher, basically.
But other than the straight meaning, in SANATHANA both Guru as well as Acharya are associated with a master to whom a religious/ spiritual aspirant goes and seeks guidance
Our Sanathana Dharma believes in SADGURUSHIP.
We are the believers of Uttama ( Excellence) over shreshtatha (superior)
A satguru may not really appear in any Guru or Acharya Parampara. A Satguru in all probability will be a swayambu (self existing). A Satguru may be born in a remote village to simple and unassuming parents who have least to exposure to anything divine. A Satguru could be an avatara purusha. He/she arrives by divine will to teach the mankind. To show a new path. To cleanse a stagnant and dirtied religion or a religious sect. He/she is like a large steamer that can carry hundreds of ardent devotees and disciples across the sea of Samsara.
Krishna himself stood as a Guru to Arjuna and gave Bhagawad Gita to this world .Hence we say “Krishnam vande Jagadgurum”.
Guru explains the concept and sadguru let you experience. Guru institutionalize the learning and Sadguru prepares you as an institution.
Vyasaya Vishnu Roopaya, Vyasa Roopaya Vishnave |
Namove Bhrama Nithaye, Vasishtaya Namo Namaha:||
Salutation to Vyas who is in the form of Vishnu and Vishnu who is in the form of Vyas and one who is the treasure house of the Vedas. Salutation to one who was born in the noble family of Vasishta. The honour of being equal to Vishnu belonged to Maharushi Vyas.Veda Vyasa’s contribution to Sanatan Dharma is immense , he did the veda vibhag i.e. he classified the Vedam as Rig Veda ,Yajur Veda ,Sama Veda and Atharvana Veda. Then he gave 18 Puranas and then he gave us Maha Bharatam /Maha Bharat .Then he gave us Brahma Sutras,Sri mad Bhagavatam ,Devi Bhagavatam … the list is long.It’s not possible tell about Bhagwan VedaVyasa in one post.
In order to remember that great rishi and also worship our Gurus we have Guru purnima .The beauty in Sanatan Dharma is that ,the month in which Guru Purnima comes is a soonya maasa which means there will not be any muhurtams/muharat ( auspicious days and times ) for marriages or any other events. Such is the respect our ancestors had for Gurus. This year Guru Purnima is on 13th of July .On that day we should be performing Guru Pooja one should be grateful to those Gurus who made us realize who we are and supported us to self-discover the true potential. We bow to those lotus feet of great Gurus and seek blessings.
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